143 Day
Fred Rogers once said, “Often, when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” On 143 Day (a national day of kindness in honor of Fred Rogers), we’re excited to celebrate Tomorrow, powered by Remake Learning!
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143 Day
143 Day is inspired by Fred Rogers, who equated 143 with I (one) Love
(four) You (three.) Therefore, today is a day dedicated to kindness and love.
Coincidentally, today is also day 71 of quarantine for our family. Thankfully, these past few months have brought us closer and taught us so much. I realize the importance of discovering new ways of learning to inspire and prepare our children for what comes next.
New Ways of Learning
There’s one particular issue I keep hearing from parents and teachers in our community. “We’re struggling to keep our kids engaged in learning.” But I can definitely empathize.
As a result, we’re trying something else with homeschool by changing up the learning environment.
For instance, here in the Midwest, I’m taking advantage of warm, sunny days by moving our learning outdoors. The change of scenery and fresh air is helping tremendously. As a result, Miss 4 is more engaged than ever!
Similarly, the Tomorrow campaign is inspired in many ways by Fred Rogers and his empathetic, child-centered, unique approach to learning.
We’re focused on asking, “What can we do today to make Tomorrow a more promising place for every learner?” We aim to find this out together.
Tomorrow, Powered by Remake Learning
From May-October 2020, Tomorrow, powered by Remake Learning, will host a series of virtual meet-ups and workshops, youth documentaries, podcasts, social media chats and exchanges of life lessons. Grants will help equip educators to forge the future of learning.
This campaign will put a spotlight on the ideas of others, elevate our community’s questions and thoughts, and help us all prepare for whatever the future may bring.
For virtual event schedules and more information, visit: remakelearning.org/tomorrow/
Remake Tomorrow
As I’ve learned, we don’t have to repeat the past. To clarify, if our previous routines can change so dramatically, then it’s well within our power to decide what tomorrow should look like.
Consequently, that’s exactly where we find ourselves now. What that “something else” will look like is largely up to us. After all, the future of our communities depends on how we educate our children.
Happy 143 day!
My Hope
My hope for all young learners is that they will choose to create their future, rather than live it.
What’s “something else” that you hope to see for your own children’s future? How can we #RemakeTomorrow?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
MORE Ways To Learn:
1.) Try this fun Watermelon Math activity, just in time for Summer!
2.) Set up this Spring Sensory Bin in less than 10min. using dried beans, planters and flowers.
3.) Try this FREE Blooming Puddle Paper Flowers activity today! Simply print, color, cut and fold according to the instructions. Then, watch the magic happen.
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